Thursday, 17 April 2014


Our gig at the Lexington last month was featured by Artrocker on their website: 

We had a great show not least due to the stupendous sound at The Lexington (best in the capital?) and were thoroughly amped up in anticipation of BBR. We were not disappointed; rather we were completely blown away by their expertly executed powerhouse pop sounds: pointedly driving basslines, ripping riffs and vocals that soar over mountaintops. 
Read more at Artrocker Online


Check out this review of our new EP courtesy of Jade Knox at Sheffield Live

Bang Bang Romeo are a Yorkshire based 4-piece who have brought something new and wonderful to the local music scene. Completely unlike anything I’ve heard of late I am ecstatic to have found something that sounds so emotive and real.  When I first listened to the EP I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, perhaps I had been cynical enough to first believe this could be just another bedroom indie band - and how wonderfully incorrect I was. Full article to be found here


We're playing City Square at the Manchester City's Etihad stadium on the 7th May 2014. The set is performed before before kick off for City's game against Aston Villa.